WhatsApp has gone after the same path as other social apps like Zoom and Bigo-live that offer live meetings and cluster discussions. Aside from allowing users to make individual calls to their WhatsApp contacts they subsequently come up with a new feature that allows them to make group voice and video calls using their mobile data or over a WiFi connection.
8 participants can be added to an individual WhatsApp group call, likewise up to 33 members can participate in a conference call that exists within a WhatsApp group chat.
Key Points
- With WhatsApp group call several session can be performed such as official meeting, training cluster, student group discussion, emergency meeting, seminar, and so on.
- WhatsApp users can initiate a group call of 7 participants directly from the Calls tab. Or create a call link to share with their contacts whereby every user with a call link can join the Conference calls.
- He can also make voice and video group calls from individual chats by adding more participants.
- A user can create group voice or video calls from a group chat, and up to 33 group members can participate in that single conference call.
- WhatsApp group call is not available on desktop and WhatsApp web app.
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4 Simple methods to do a group call on WhatsApp
Method 1: Create a call link and share it with friends
This is a link that users with the latest version of WhatsApp can create and share with people who will be participants in a particular Conference call. It could be a voice call link or a video call link.
Anyone who has the link can join the group call as long as they have WhatsApp on their mobile devices.
How to create a WhatsApp call link.
On your phone device open WhatsApp > navigate to the Call tab > tap create call link > select a call type.
Your call link has been successfully created, you can share it with your WhatsApp contact or other social media platforms, or copy it to a clipboard.
Method 2: Make a WhatsApp group call with your contacts
This comprises you and only 7 participants.
To initiate this open your WhatsApp and navigate to "Call"
Tap the call icon in the down-right corner.
Tap "New group call".
Select up to 7 participants.
Select call type (voice or video call).
Each of the selected contacts will receive an invitation to participate in a conference call that they can join or ignore. By then you established a group voice or video call with the selected contacts.
Quick Tip: you can not add a contact that you've blocked or someone who has blocked you on WhatsApp to a group call.
Method 3: make a group call from a WhatsApp group chat.
If you are a member of a WhatsApp group you can create a voice or video group call among the group members and add up to 33 participants. But this will only be possible if the group setting allows members to send messages. If it's set as only the admin who can message the group, then you can only make a conference call if you are the admin. Follow these steps to do so:
On your mobile phone open WhatsApp.
Open the group you want to make a conference call with.
Tap on either of the videos or call icons in the top right corner to make a voice or video call respectively, and tap "call group" at the bottom of the screen.
All the members will receive a notification of the call.
Method 4: make a group call from an individual chat
This method refers to calling a primary person and adding other contacts to take part after the primary contact picked up the call.
You'll do that by following these steps:
Open WhatsApp on your mobile phone.
Navigate to the "Call" tab.
Tap the call icon at the bottom left.
Find the primary contact you want to call.
Select the type of call (voice or video) by tapping on either of the icons.
Once he picked up the call, swipe up with your finger and tap "add participant" and select them from your contacts.
How to join the WhatsApp group call
If you are invited by someone to join a WhatsApp group call your phone will rings, and you'll see a call notification to join or ignore. If you're not interested in the call you can tap "ignore" to decline the invitation.
Swipe up to open the info screen and see all the participants. Also, the invitee can add more participants.
If you missed joining the WhatsApp group call you can still join them by tapping the Call tab, and if it's a group missed call open the group and tap join, this is possible only if the call is still ongoing.