Many people who are using WhatsApp worry as they can't be able to determine who read the message they sent in a WhatsApp group, at what time they read it, and to whom of the group members the message delivered. Just like knowing if your message is delivered or read by individuals in a private WhatsApp chat, you can also be able to know the status of the message you sent in a WhatsApp group.
In a nutshell, you can check who read the message you sent in the WhatsApp group chat, at what time, who are the remaining members who got your message but are yet to read it, and who are the remaining ones that your message hasn't been delivered to.
Note: the two blue ticks are only shown on WhatsApp group chats when your messages are read by all group members.
In this article, you will learn how to check who has read the message you sent in the WhatsApp group.
Steps to Check Who Viewed Your WhatsApp Group Message
Tip: We suggest you update your WhatsApp if you have an old version because they have made changes in some places. Well, if you still want to practice it on the older version it's still working, and we also made provision for that.
Put in mind that you are only allowed to view who has seen the message you sent in the WhatsApp group chat, but not the one that others sent.
Step 1: Open any WhatsApp group.
Step 2: Find a message you have sent.
Step 3: long-press your finger on the message, and the chat will be highlighted.
Step 4: tap the menu (three dots) in the upper right corner. At this point if you have the latest version of WhatsApp you will see the two options shown up left to the menu, that's Info and Copy. While in the old version, you'll see "i" with a circle around it after you do a long press.
Step 5: either tap Info or the "i" symbol depending on what you see.
Step 6: Finally, a new screen will pop up containing information about your message which includes:
Read by: the list of group members who read your message. Tap on any member's name to see when the message was delivered to him and the time he viewed it.
Delivered to: this is the list of members your WhatsApp group message was delivered to and when they've got it.
Remaining: these are group members that are yet to receive your WhatsApp group message, and perhaps it is because they were not active on WhatsApp, and your message will be delivered once they are online.
How to Know the Time your WhatsApp Message Read on Individual Chats
It is almost clear to everyone using WhatsApp to be able to know if someone reads his message on WhatsApp private chats, that is by seeing two blue ticks. But you may want to know the exact time when your message was delivered to him and most importantly find out when he had attended to you by reading your message.
As you already know when your message was delivered and viewed on a WhatsApp group, it's worth knowing it on private chats. These are simple steps to know when your WhatsApp message is viewed on individual chat:
Step 1: Open any individual chat on your WhatsApp.
Step 2: Long-press to select the message.
Step 3: Tap the menu (three dots) on the upper right side.
Step 4: Tap Info, and you will see both the time when your message is delivered and when it has been read.
We do hope that this article helped you learn how to know who has read your message in the WhatsApp group. If you still have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us in the comment section below and we're always here to help.
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