A blog or website needs an XML Sitemap to quickly be discovered and crawled by search engines. In this article, we will discuss a step by step on how to create and submit a Sitemap to the Google search console in your blogger, and the benefits of adding it to your site. And this concerns both an old blog and the one that was just created.
What is a Sitemap
The word Sitemap constitutes of two words - Site & Map - just like the Map of a given area means, your Site-Map also means the file that contains a design or structure, or blueprint of your site. In general, the sitemap is a file that contains information about your blog or website, this information can be pages, articles, or videos that you posted on your site. And to simplify the process, the sitemap takes the URL of anything posted on your site and used them to inform search engine crawlers about what you accommodate in your site so that they can easily crawl and index them.
How to Create and Submit a Sitemap in Blogger
You can create a Sitemap and submit it to Google search console for free, not only a blog that is just been created but also an existing one that hasn't previously seen any Sitemap added to it whether in free hosting services like Blogger (Blogspot) or in self-hosted like WordPress. Submitting an XML Sitemap will give a search engine complete structure about your site making them to quickly know when you made any updates in your blog.
Unlike other hosting services that support both RSS and Atom Feeds sitemap, in Blogger you can only add the Atom Feeds Sitemap which is not standard and has a limit of compiling only 500 blog posts, and with exclusion of other pages such as category page, so if you have a large site with over 500 blog posts or you want to have a seamless processing then you have to generate several sitemaps for your blogger.
Here is the step by step on how to create and submit a Sitemap to Google search console in blogger (blogspot)
Step 1: Find a Sitemap generator
There are many websites to generate a Sitemap for free, just go to Google and search for the name. If you use Blogspot I recommend mySitemapGenerator.com.
Step 2: Copy & paste your blog URL
Go to your blog and copy the URL, then go back to the Sitemap generator, paste the URL, then click GENERATE.
Step 3: Copy generated sitemap and paste it into your blogger settings
Your free Sitemap will be generated instantly then copy the link to the clipboard and head to your blogger.
Sign in to your blog and go to the settings.
Scroll down to Google search console and open it.
Once the page finishes loading click on Sitemap, and paste your generated sitemap URL in the space provided. Then click SUBMIT.
Now you successfully submitted a new Sitemap to your blogger, it will instantly start reading your blog posts and videos and prepare them for the Google bot. Any time the bots visit your site for crawling they will find it already prepared by the Sitemap, it will just crawls them without waste of time and crawl budget.
Why do you need to add Sitemap to your blog
Generally, the site owners have a longing to see their content appears in the Google search results, while that could be easy but in most cases, it's a big challenge for you to approach it. In simple terms, Google crawlers always prefer a site that can be reached through a proper internal link, and this could be hard to succeed for most bloggers, particularly newcomers. Absolutely, you can bypass these obstacles that prevent your blog articles from being crawled by adding an XML Sitemap to your blog.
What are the benefits of Adding a Sitemap to the Blog
1. When you add a new Sitemap to your blog you do not need to manually request indexing of newly added pages. Search engines like Google and Bing will automatically detect all your pages from the Sitemap and crawls them efficiently.
2. An XLM Sitemap that submitted to Google search console helps Google crawler to discover pages from the newbies' sites that are not properly linked.
3. It gives the full configuration of your blog site to search engines.
4. When you update existing content on your blog, an XML Sitemap quickly notifies Google about new changes for possible recrawling.
Now that you have pretty good idea about how to create and submit a sitemap to Google search console and the potential benefits your blog will gain, why not give it a try in your new or old blogspot? Any questions or suggestions? We are looking forward to hearing from you. And remember to share this article in your social media handles.
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